Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Before discussing about the tips, lets look at the definition of search engine marketing. In simple words, it is the practice of marketing and advertising through the search engines. It can be either by paying for links or by trying to improve the site’s ranking among the unpaid listings.

Why Search Engine Marketing ??

Want to make a local business, globally famous?? Looking for international clients who are your real targeted customers?? Wants the world to know about your offers and updations as soon as you introduce or upgrade then?? If answer is "yes" for any of the questions, then search engine marketing has its doors open, for the biggest world market to make the business a successful one.

Tips for Winning SEM

Try different and ethical techniques but dont try to trick or get carried away by tricky offers.

Meta Tags - they are useful for certain serach engines not for the biggies. Having them may not the magic but yes definitely no harm. So go ahead and dont stop optimizing the site for small search engines too.

Keywords - Identifying right keywords is the major task. It includes two things which needs to understood clearly is your business and its goals. What cutomer demand and how they seaech for the product online. There N number tools which help in choosing the right keywords.

Content - Keywords all over the page, that is having them included in the cotent of every page will help in increasing the prominence of the targeted keywords. But this should be done more intelligently and ofcourse sensibly !! It should look as if you are trying for keyword stuffing.

ALT Tags - They are too help in the journey towards the success of an online business. They are also in list of things which help to rank better in search engines. Use keywords or phrases whih are improtant to get traffic.

Navigation - This is like the blood which runs through the nerves, Every page of the website should be linked to other pages. All the visitors are not just interested in the home page or any other of the whole website.

Analytics - Know your website and its performance. Track and keep the logs of the traffic and who are visiting. What search phrases or keywords making them land at your web page is very important.

PPC - Pay-Per-Click is a paid services, where the website owner needs to pay when some user clicks the ad displayed on the search engines or some other website.

Java Script can sometimes kill. Be careful before including heavy java script in the source of the website. Most of search hop the content and index but some do have a limit for this. It better to use them outside the file with .JS files.

Last tip, ofcourse dont ever think wrong ways which give instant results. Keywords stuffing, hidden text, doorway pages, Black Hat techniques will not take the site anyhwere other getting banned. Dont expect too much from the day of site launch.

Just remember "Good Things Take Time" ....... Wish you all a successfull online business. "Lets rule the web" !!!!

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